A Beautiful Promise...

A Beautiful Promise...
"For as the soil makes the sprout come up
and a garden causes seeds to grow,
so the Sovereign LORD will make righteousness
and praise spring up before all nations."
Isaiah 61:11

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Our King

After a funny meeting on a country road, a neat, older Thai couple invited us back to their home.  Louis and Need served us chocolate milk and watermelon as we sat in their living room chatting.  They showed us photos of his days in the Thai military and their two kids graduating from college.  They proudly showed us a photo in which their daughter was receiving her diploma from the king of Thailand.  We commented on how special it was that she was with the king.  They pointed to a large portrait of the king hanging on their wall, and the husband put his hand on his heart and said, "He is our king!"  

Phil & Mr. Paitoon in his home and shop,
 photos of the king in the background
Today we met a Thai gentleman who is one of the most esteemed boat building instructors in Thailand.  He is very old at this point in his life and has had many honors in Thailand and abroad.  Mr. Paitoon, the master boat builder, showed us an impressive gallery of  photos of boats that he had built over the years.  Several of these photos featured the Thai king sailing in Mr. Paitoon's boats!  Other photos showed Mr. Paitoon receiving honors and awards from the king and queen.  He proudly told us that the king had called him a "skilled craftsman".  

I was struck by the evident love and admiration each of these people had for the king.  They were honored to have him as their king.  Any encounter with the king was worth boasting about.  Later, I was relaying this story to a friend when it hit me: why don't we feel this way about our King?  

In scripture, Paul boasts a lot.  He boasts about his encounters with the King, about the work the King has done, and about the promises our King has made to us.  Paul even says in Philippians 1:25-27, 
"... and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith, so that through my being with you again your boasting in Christ Jesus will abound on account of me.  Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ."  

 I want to change.  I want to boast about my King and talk about my encounters with Him.  Let's live lives worthy of the Gospel of Christ, and let's boast about our King!  

In Christ Alone,
